Final Environmental Impact Statement/Environmental Assessment

The Hardrock Project received a positive Environmental Assessment Decision from the federal Minister of Environment and Climate Change in December 2018.  In March 2019, the Ontario Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks also approved the EA. In accordance with Condition 27 of the provincial approval, the Final Environmental Assessment has been updated to incorporate additional and clarified information provided through the final review process.  


View    Final EIS/EA Summary - English

View    Final EIS/EA Summary - French

Main Body

View   Table of Contents, Abbreviations, Glossary

View   Chapter 01: Introduction

View  Chapter 02: Environmental Setting

View  Chapter 03: Community and Stakeholder Consultation

View  Chapter 04: Evaluation of Alternatives

View  Chapter 05: Project Description

View  Chapter 06: Environmental Effects Assessment Methods

View  Chapter 07: Assessment of Potential Environmental Effects on the Atmospheric Environment

View  Chapter 08: Assessment of Potential Environmental Effects on the Acoustic Environment

View  Chapter 09: Assessment of Potential Environmental Effects on Groundwater

View  Chapter 10: Assessment of Potential Environmental Effects on Surface Water

View  Chapter 11: Assessment of Potential Environmental Effects on Fish and Fish Habitat

View  Chapter 12: Assessment of Potential Environmental Effects on Vegetation Communities

View  Chapter 13: Assessment of Potential Environmental Effects on Wildlife and Wildlife Habitat

View  Chapter 14: Assessment of Potential Environmental Effects on Labour and Economy

View  Chapter 15: Assessment of Potential Environmental Effects on Community Services and Infrastructure

View  Chapter 16: Assessment of Potential Environmental Effects on Land and Resource Use

View  Chapter 17: Assessment of Potential Environmental Effects on Heritage Resources

View  Chapter 18: Assessment of Potential Environmental Effects on Traditional Land and Resources

View  Chapter 19: Assessment of Potential Environmental Effects on Human and Ecological Health

View  Chapter 20: Cumulative Effects Assessment

View  Chapter 21: Effects of the Environment on the Project

View  Chapter 22: Assessment of Effects of Potential Accidents or Malfunctions

View  Chapter 23: Follow-Up and Monitoring Programs and Environmental Management Plans

View  Chapter 24: Summary of Environmental Effects and Commitments

View  Chapter 25: Benefits of the Project

View  Chapter 26: Conclusions


Appendix A: Final Environmental Impact Statement Guidelines and Approved Terms of Reference

Appendix B: Concordance Tables

Appendix C: Record of Consultation

Appendix D: Photographic Record

Appendix E: Environmental Baseline Reports

Appendix F: Technical Data Reports (TDR)

Appendix G: Assessment of Alternatives Supporting Documentation

Appendix H: Highway 11 Realignment Preliminary Design Report (PDR)

Appendix I: Conceptual Closure Plan

Appendix K: Tailings Management Facility Design Reports

Appendix L: Environmental Conditions - Hardrock Project; Historical Mining and Lake Water Quality 

Appendix M: Environmental Management and Monitoring Plans

Appendix N: Visual Simulations

Appendix O: Effects of Changes to the Environment on Aboriginal Peoples - In Accordance with Section 6.3.4 of the EIS Guidelines issued by the CEA Agency