Final EIS/EA Appendix F

Appendix F: Technical Data Reports (TDR)

View   F1: Atmospheric Environment

View   F2: Noise and Vibration Assessment

View   F3: Traffic Noise Assessment – Highway 11 Realignment

View   F4: Hydrogeology Modelling

View   F5: Water Balance and Water Quality Model

View   F6: Assimilative Capacity

View   F7: Metal Bioavailability

View   F8: Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment

View   F9: Traffic Impact Assessment

View   F10: Draft, Hardrock Project, Fisheries Act, Paragraph 35(2)(b) Authorization and MMER Schedule 2 Draft Fisheries Offset Plan

View   F11: Heritage Impact Assessment

View   F12: Assessment of Potential Thermal Effects of Mine Effluent Discharge to Kenogamisis Lake

View   F13.1: Update to: Mass Balance Modelling of Arsenic Concentrations in Water and Sediment of Kenogamisis Lake, Geraldton, Ontario

View   F13.2: Monte Carlo Analysis of Arsenic Concentrations in Kenogamisis Lake, Geraldton, Ontario

View   F14.1: Stantec Memorandum: “GGM Hardrock Project - Mercury in Surface Water, Fish Tissue and associated Human Health and Ecological Risk Assessment” (January 12, 2018)

View   F14.2: Hutchinson Environmental Sciences Ltd Report: “Greenstone Gold: independent review of the analysis of mercury concentrations in surface water, sediment and groundwater in the vicinity of Kenogamisis Lake, and implications of these concentrations to human and ecological health” (May 22, 2018)

View   F14.3: MECP Memorandum: “Greenstone Gold Mines: Hardrock Gold Project Independent review of mercury analysis in final EIS/EA by Hutchison Environmental Sciences Ltd.” (June 11, 2018)

View   F14.4 Stantec Memorandum: “MOECC Response to Hutchinson Environmental Sciences Ltd. Review of Mercury Analysis” (June 28, 2018)

View   F15.1: SLR memorandum “Policy 2 Assessment for Iron” (May 14, 2018)

View   F15.2: Stantec memorandum “Revisions to Phosphorus Mass Loading and Concentration for Kenogamisis Lake” (August 7, 2018)

View   F15.3: Stantec memorandum “Policy 2 Assessment for Phosphorus” (May 25, 2018)